How to create a page using the code editor?
This will explain the code editor to create pages in Dragon Cloud
Last Update 2 years ago
If you are familiar with HTML, CSS and JavaScript you can code out a page directly without using the GUI editor. To get started you can click on the Page sub menu item and then click "Add New"
You should now be presented with the add page menu options, much like the below:
Take note of the top section which says "Page Type". At the moment only the "Page Builder" is selected, you can change this by clicking "Code" and then fill out the other details. It should look like the below:
You will end up with some dummy code, like the below and some basic options on the right.
Looking at the right options, from here you change the title, keywords and description. You can also save and publish. Saving a page only saves it to the database. Publishing a page will create the full HTML page, upload to our hosting environment and clear down any caching.
On the right side you have the code editor, here you can add your own HTML, CSS and JS to modify the page to your liking.